English Literature and Society in the Eighteenth Century

English Literature and Society in the Eighteenth Century

Eser Adı: English Literature and Society in the Eighteenth Century

Alt Baslık:

Dili: İngilizce

Yazar: Leslie Stephen

İSBN: 978-625-7033-29-9

Kitabın Türü: Filoloji, Edebiyat

Cilt Bilgisi: Amerikan Bristol

Basım Tarihi ve Yeri: Ocak 2020 İstanbul

Kitap Boyutu: 16 x 23,5

Sayfa Sayısı: 105

Etiket Fiyatı: 150,00


The literary history, as I conceive it, is an account of one strand, so to speak, in a very complex tissue: it is connected with the intellectual and social development; it represents movements of thought which may sometimes check and be sometimes propitious to the existing forms of art; it is the utterance of a class which may represent, or fail to represent, the main national movement; it is affected more or less directly by all manner of religious, political, social, and economical changes; and it is dependent upon the occurrence of individual genius for which we cannot even profess to account. I propose to take the history of English literature in the eighteenth century. I do not aim at originality: I take for granted the ordinary critical judgments upon the great writers of whom so much has been said by judges certainly more competent than myself, and shall recall the same facts both of ordinary history and of the history of thought. What I hope is, that by bringing familiar facts together I may be able to bring out the nature of the connection between them; and, little as I can say that will be at all new, to illustrate one point of view, which, as I believe, it is desirable that literary histories should take into account more distinctly than they have generally done.


English Literature and Society in the Eighteenth Century


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